
Wie schaut ein ordnungsgemäßer Start Logauszug von FHEM aus?

Nachfolgend für Sie als Referenz der Auszug von einem ordnungsgemäßen Start von FHEM mit einigen eingebundenen Geräten:

2016.08.11 19:57:25.118 3: ZWave got config for aeotec/multisensor_gen5.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:25.161 3: ZWave got config for aeotec/ss6.xml from ./FHEM/lib/fhem_zwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:25.871 3: ZWave got config for everspring/st812.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:26.540 3: ZWave got config for everspring/an181.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:27.500 3: ZWave got config for fibaro/fgsd002.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:28.737 3: ZWave got config for philio/pst02-1c.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:29.989 3: ZWave got config for philio/pst02.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:30.013 3: ZWave got config for popp/009105.xml from ./FHEM/lib/fhem_zwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:31.175 3: ZWave got config for popp/POP009303.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:31.202 3: ZWave got config for popp/solar-siren.xml from ./FHEM/lib/fhem_zwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:31.697 3: ZWave got config for aeotec/dsd31.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:34.107 3: ZWave got config for vision/zp3102.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 19:57:34.740 3: ZWave got config for aeotec/ledbulb.xml from ./FHEM/lib/openzwave_deviceconfig.xml.gz
2016.08.11 20:00:59.902 0: Server shutdown
2016.08.11 20:01:07.780 1: Including fhem.cfg
2016.08.11 20:01:07.829 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2016.08.11 20:01:08.332 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2016.08.11 20:01:08.335 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2016.08.11 20:01:08.338 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2016.08.11 20:01:08.480 2: eventTypes: loaded 329 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2016.08.11 20:01:08.553 3: Opening ZWAVE1 device /dev/ttyS0
2016.08.11 20:01:08.657 3: Setting ZWAVE1 serial parameters to 115200,8,N,1
2016.08.11 20:01:08.667 3: ZWAVE1 device opened
2016.08.11 20:01:08.668 1: ZWAVE1: SOF missing (got 00 instead of 01)
2016.08.11 20:01:21.953 1: Including ./log/
2016.08.11 20:01:22.030 1: usb create starting
2016.08.11 20:01:22.431 3: Probing CUL device /dev/ttyAMA0
2016.08.11 20:01:22.639 3: Probing TCM_ESP3 device /dev/ttyAMA0
2016.08.11 20:01:22.844 3: Probing FRM device /dev/ttyAMA0
2016.08.11 20:01:28.072 1: usb create end
2016.08.11 20:01:28.076 0: Featurelevel: 5.7
2016.08.11 20:01:28.076 0: Server started with 59 defined entities ( perl:5.020002 os:linux user:fhem pid:642)
2016.08.11 20:01:28.080 2: ZWDongle_ProcessSendStack: no ACK, resending message 0107000301020100f9
2016.08.11 20:01:28.080 5: SW: 0107000301020100f9
2016.08.11 20:01:28.082 5: ACK received, removing 0107000301020100f9 from dongle sendstack
2016.08.11 21:03:47.130 0: Server shutdown
2016.08.11 21:03:55.490 1: Including fhem.cfg
2016.08.11 21:03:55.547 3: telnetPort: port 7072 opened
2016.08.11 21:03:56.004 3: WEB: port 8083 opened
2016.08.11 21:03:56.007 3: WEBphone: port 8084 opened
2016.08.11 21:03:56.010 3: WEBtablet: port 8085 opened
2016.08.11 21:03:56.165 2: eventTypes: loaded 329 events from ./log/eventTypes.txt
2016.08.11 21:03:56.244 3: Opening ZWAVE1 device /dev/ttyS0
2016.08.11 21:03:56.322 3: Setting ZWAVE1 serial parameters to 115200,8,N,1
2016.08.11 21:03:56.324 3: ZWAVE1 device opened
2016.08.11 21:03:56.324 1: ZWAVE1: SOF missing (got 00 instead of 01)
2016.08.11 21:04:10.003 1: Including ./log/
2016.08.11 21:04:10.076 1: usb create starting
2016.08.11 21:04:10.381 3: Probing CUL device /dev/ttyAMA0
2016.08.11 21:04:10.589 3: Probing TCM_ESP3 device /dev/ttyAMA0
2016.08.11 21:04:10.795 3: Probing FRM device /dev/ttyAMA0
2016.08.11 21:04:16.039 1: usb create end
2016.08.11 21:04:16.045 0: Featurelevel: 5.7
2016.08.11 21:04:16.046 0: Server started with 59 defined entities ( perl:5.020002 os:linux user:fhem pid:644)
2016.08.11 21:04:16.054 2: ZWDongle_ProcessSendStack: no ACK, resending message 0107000301020100f9
2016.08.11 21:04:16.054 5: SW: 0107000301020100f9
2016.08.11 21:04:16.056 5: ACK received, removing 0107000301020100f9 from dongle sendstack


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